
  • Greenhouse Cover Films

    Greenhouse plastics used to cover fruits, vegetables and crop flowers.

  • Low Tunnel Film

    Low tunnel film to protect crops against climate aggressions and insects.

  • Grapevine Cover Film

    Vineyard cover films to protect grape vines from freezing in winter.

  • Mulch Film

    Co-extruded PE mulch film to regulate and balance soil temperature, and prevent soil drainage and fertilizer washing.

  • Ground Cover Film

    Ground cover film used to maximize light reflection and keep plants’ root zone cooler.

  • Soil Disinfection Film

    Soil disinfection film used for disinfecting the soil and prohibiting destruction of beneficial orga

  • Silage Cover Film

    Silage films to protect livestock forage stored in silage pits, bunkers, flat silos and haystacks.

  • Hydroponic Gully Film

    Hydroponic gully film used to cover plants at soil level to maximize light reflection and prevent we

  • Banana Bunch Cover

    Banana bunch covers to improve banana's quality, appearance and protect from birds and pests.

  • Water Tube

    Polyethylene water-tube films recommended as a cost-effective irrigation method to adjust water flow and direction suiting the crop and irrigation needs.

  • Water Membrane

    Co-extruded polyethylene film water membrane to construct reservoirs and collect water sourced from rain or other sources in a cost-effective and easy way.